5 Black Friday Marketing Tips for Flower Farmers

Late November is a time of shopping frenzy and fantastic deals. From Black Friday to Small Business Saturday, this time of year is an awesome opportunity for you to get in on the action. 

Now, you might be thinking: How do I take advantage of Black Friday as a flower farmer when nothing is blooming this time of year?

Let me tell you: That’s okay and don’t let that stop you!

In this blog post, I'll give you five tips to make the most of Black Friday and holiday shopping so you can help create consistent income for your flower farming business year round. 

1: Choose the Right Products to Offer

So, you might be wondering, how do flower farmers participate in Black Friday when there are no flowers to sell at that time of year? The great answer is that there are a few different options.

Flower Subscriptions

This is a hill I always stand on: Flower bouquet subscriptions are a great way to build consistent income to your business. And the best part is, you can have a guaranteed customer before you even have flowers planted and have the income during the slower winter months.

And don’t let not knowing exactly when your subscription will start stop you from selling. As long as you communicate clearly with your customers about how you’ll keep them posted about details, most people will be happy with that level of detail. 

Black Friday and the holiday season is a great time to capture these sales because people are looking for gifts for loved ones, or already thinking about warm spring days as winter weather rolls in. 

Flower subscription bouquets at Muddy Acres Flower Farm

Tuber, Bulb, and Seed Sales

If you offer dahlia tuber sales or other seed and bulb options for customers, Black Friday can be a great time to sell. Timing is definitely a factor, since many flower farmers use the winter months to prep these types of sales. However, if you’re speedy, or dont have a huge inventory, Black Friday sales could be an option for you. 

Crates of dahlia tubers at Muddy Acres Flower Farm

Holiday Greens 

Lots of flower farmers and floral businesses offer holiday-themed plants—like wreaths and other winter arrangements—during the holiday season. Since Black Friday tends to capture holiday gifting and spending, this is another valuable option for selling. Even if you don’t have wreaths or other arrangements ready for Black Friday, you can offer presale vouchers, similar to how you would pre-sell flower subscriptions. 

A holiday or Christmas wreath for sale at Muddy Acres Flower Farm in Plymouth, MI

2: Create Anticipation and Promote Effectively

Black Friday may be a single day, but the build-up can start weeks in advance. Announce your Black Friday sales early to create a buzz. Use all available channels—social media, email newsletters, and your website—to build anticipation and share sneak peeks.

One great way to build excitement is  to showcase previous happy customers. Share their positive feedback and testimonials on your website and social media. Let them do the talking and help inspire others who are looking for places to spend during the Black Friday weekend. 

3: Ensure a Seamless Customer Experience

Optimize Your Website

Your website is the digital face of your farm. Make sure it's user-friendly, with a design that's easy to navigate. Plus you want to make sure that your online store, or wherever your customers will make online purchases, is all set at ready to go. A smooth online experience can be the difference between a one-time visitor and a loyal subscriber.

Communicate Clearly

Transparency is key. Define delivery schedules and return policies clearly on your website. Simplify your subscription terms so they're easy for your customers to understand. Remember how I mentioned that you don’t need exact details for future subscriptions or presales, but you absolutely should detail how customers can expect to get that information from you in the future. 

When your customers know what to expect, they're more likely to trust and choose your farm.

Moose the Great Pyrenees at Muddy Acres Flower Farm in front of a chicken coop decorated for the holidays.

4: Execute Sales and Fulfill Orders with Precision

A secure and reliable online payment system is a must. Your customers should feel safe when making a purchase. Consider offering multiple payment options to accommodate various preferences. Make the payment process a breeze.

If you’re selling a product that needs to be delivered, be sure to:

  • Streamline order management: As the orders roll in, you need a well-organized system for processing them. Be prepared for timely shipping or delivery. Customers appreciate receiving their products on schedule, so don't keep them waiting for too long. If you run into any hiccups, reach out and notify your customers. 

  • Monitor inventory closely: Keep a close eye on subscription availability. Overselling or overcommitting can lead to disappointment and frustration.

Muddy Acres Flower Farm blanketed in snow in the winter.

5: Engage After the Sale and Analyze Your Success

Your relationship with your customers doesn't end when the sale is made. Send thank-you emails and post on your social media to express your gratitude for their support. A simple thank-you goes a long way in making your customers feel appreciated, especially coming from a small business. 

Encourage your customers to provide feedback on their experience. Whether it's about the purchase process, the subscription, or your customer service, their input is invaluable. Use this feedback to refine your services and improve your Black Friday offerings for the following year.

And once Black Friday is behind you, take time to assess how things went. Did you meet your goals? What do you want to change next year? What do you want to keep the same?

Evaluating how things went is an opportunity to grow and evolve, offering you the opportunity to make each Black Friday better than the last.

Remember, Black Friday, Cyber Monday, Small Business Saturday—literally all of the shopping holidays—aren't just about discounts. They’re an opportunity to build lasting relationships with your customers and grow your flower farming business. 

By planning ahead, offering the right products, and providing a seamless customer experience, you can make the most of this holiday shopping season and help provide consistent income to your business. 


5 Ways Flower Farmers Can Make Sales During the Holidays


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