Growing Peonies

A collection of free resources to help you grow peonies, whether for pleasure or for profit.

How to Grow Peonies

Learn everything you need to know about planting, growing, and caring for peonies to help these beautiful flowers thrive in your garden.

10 Must-Grow Peony Varieties

Iā€™m sharing 10 popular peony varieties that you are sure to love - from classic whites to fun pinks and corals.

Why Grow Peonies

Explore all the reasons to grow peonies, from their popularity and fragrance to their longevity and ease of care.

Peony Profit and Expense Guide

Get a detailed look at the financial side of growing peonies. Learn the costs of starting a peony field, ongoing expenses and income potential.

When and Where Peonies Grow

Learn when peonies bloom, where they thrive, and how to extend their season.